Bernie Ecclestone sticks by Putin: “Would take a bullet for him”

Disturbing remarks
Former Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone supports Putin: “I would intercept a bullet for him”

Bernie Ecclestone (right) with Vladimir Putin in 2017

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS / Imago Images

Bernie Ecclestone still calls Russian President Vladimir Putin his friend – and blames Ukrainian President Zelensky for the war. The statements caused outrage.

For a long time, Vladimir Putin was courted by businesspeople and politicians around the world, but since the start of the war against Ukraine, most have clearly distanced themselves from the Russian president. Bernie Ecclestone apparently sees no reason for this. The former head of Formula 1 spoke positively about Putin in an interview on the British broadcaster ITV’s “Good Morning Britain”.

When asked by the moderator if he still considered Putin a friend, the 91-year-old replied: “I would still take a bullet for him. I’d rather it didn’t hurt, but I would do it anyway.” Putin is “a first class person,” continued Ecclestone, who ran Formula 1 for more than 40 years until 2017.

Bernie Ecclestone defends Vladimir Putin

In the further course of the interview, Ecclestone was also tempted to make questionable statements about the war in Ukraine. Putin “did not intend the war”: “He is doing something that he believes is best for Russia.” Asked about the deaths of many Ukrainians and Russian soldiers, Ecclestone also claimed that Putin “did not intend this”.

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At the same time, the Brit criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “I heard he used to be a comedian and I think he seems to want to continue in that profession,” Ecclestone said. “If he had thought more, he would have had to make a greater effort to talk to Putin.” According to Ecclestone, if Ukraine had wanted to prevent the war, it could have done so.

Criticism from the Foreign Minister and from Formula 1

In Great Britain and in Formula 1, Bernie Ecclestone’s statements caused shocked reactions. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said on the same program that the statements were “extraordinary” and “shocking”. Vladimir Putin called them “toxic”.

Formula 1 also immediately distanced itself from its former father. “Bernie Ecclestone’s comments are his personal views and are in stark contrast to the modern values ​​of the sport,” it said in a statement.

Sources: “Good Morning Britain” on Twitter (1) / “Good Morning Britain” on Twitter (2)


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