Bernd Grimmer: AfD politician died of corona infection

Bernd Grimmer
AfD member of the state parliament died of corona infection

Bernd Grimmer, AfD member of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg

© Bernd Weißbrod / Picture Alliance

He described reports about the corona pandemic as “scare tactics” – now the AfD MP Bernd Grimmer himself died of a virus infection.

At the age of 71, the AfD member of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament Bernd Grimmer died of Covid-19. He succumbed to his illness on Sunday night, a spokesman for his Pforzheim-Enz district association told the AFP news agency on Monday. Previously the “Pforzheimer Newspaper“reported.

“It was with great dismay that we learned that our esteemed member of the state parliament, Dr. Bernd Grimmer, has died,” said a message from the AfD state executive. The regional group praised Grimmer as a “member of the first hour” and as a “competent economist”. Grimmer was chairman of the Pforzheim-Enz district association. In 2016 he was elected to the Stuttgart state parliament for the first time and won the first direct mandate for the state party.

Bernd Grimmer lamented Corona “scaremongering”

In the past few months, Grimmer had repeatedly sharply criticized the government’s corona measures. In September he wrote on his Facebook page that the “Corona regime” could “only be described as sick”. He also complained about “alarmism” and “scare tactics” from the media.

In August, Grimmer described Sweden as “appropriate” for dealing with Sweden, which has only been using comparatively mild measures since the beginning of the pandemic.

According to the AfD, Alfred Bamberger will take over his mandate in the state parliament.


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