Bernard Montiel strongly attacks Sandrine Rousseau: “She is dangerous, hysterical, aggressive! There is something wrong in her life!” – VIDEO

Invited on Sud Radio, Bernard Montiel was notably invited to give his opinion on the legislative elections. But the host did not mince his words when referring to Sandrine Rousseau, and even attacked her violently.
About the deputy, he dropped: “This one, she is dangerous! She says nonsense. She is hysterical!

“And to continue: “We received it (in Touche pas à mon poste, editor’s note). She was sitting next to me, it was madness without her words and her behavior. Insane behavior!”
“We went out, I just wanted to tell her ‘It’s interesting what you said, but you said it badly!’ She looks down on me, and says ‘But I say what I want!’ She is aggressive, this girl, there is something wrong in her life!”, Explained the host and columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” on C8.

“I can’t stand it, and it has nothing to do with politics!” he concluded.

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