Bernard Laporte left to take up a position with the Blues despite his conviction?

Why settle for the ambient serenity, less than six months from the Rugby World Cup, when you can add a little drama to the daily life of the XV of France? According to information from ParisianFabien Galthié and Raphaël Ibañez would not be against a discreet return of Bernard Laporte, stripped of the presidency of the FFR since his conviction for corruption and influence peddling, around the Blues.

According to a federal source quoted by the daily, it is a question, since the end of the Tournament, “of finding Bernard a function of consultant, a mission of accompaniment with the XV of France. The coach and his assistant, borrowing from a feeling of gratitude towards their former coach and president, would therefore work in this direction. It is out of the question to bring him into an already well-stocked staff. “A role à la Bernard Viviès”, head of the French delegation at the 2019 World Cup would be more likely.

Real fake good idea

But for what consequences? Certainly, Bernard Laporte was seen several times during the period of the Six Nations Tournament, and was not forgotten by Galthié when celebrating the historic success at Twickenham. His proximity to the players exists. But he is under appeal, has been disavowed by clubs and is being watched by the Minister of Sports. Sounds a lot like a bad idea, doesn’t it?

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