Berlusconi again in the hospital – politics

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been hospitalized for a scheduled check-up. The 86-year-old has been in the San Raffaele clinic in Milan since Friday afternoon to undergo health checks in connection with his chronic leukemia, according to a statement from the Milan clinic signed by his doctors. The controls correspond to “normal medical practice”, they are not a cause for concern. According to Italian media reports, his wife and eldest daughter came to him in the hospital.

Berlusconi was only recently treated in the Milan hospital. At the beginning of April he came to the clinic for pneumonia and was also treated for chronic leukemia. He was in intensive care for about two weeks. After a total of 45 days, he was able to leave the hospital.

The politician and media entrepreneur has repeatedly had to be treated for illness in recent years. At the end of 2020 he was suffering from Corona and pneumonia. Previously, Berlusconi had to be hospitalized with a urinary tract infection. In 2016 he underwent heart surgery.

Between 1994 and 2011, the right-wing populist politician was Prime Minister of Italy four times. His party is currently involved in Giorgia Meloni’s government. Berlusconi himself is a member of the Senate, Italy’s second chamber of parliament.

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