Berlinale: Who is Meltem Kaptan?

Who is Meltem Kaptan?

What a triumph: Meltem Kaptan. Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

She lives in Cologne and won the most important acting prize at the Berlinale. And that with her first major role in a German film.

She is a comedian, author, presenter and now also a Berlinale winner: Meltem Kaptan (41) landed a huge success with her first major role in a German film. She won the Silver Bear for Best Performance in a Leading Role.

Andreas Dresen’s film “Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George W. Bush” is about the story of Murat Kurnaz – the man who grew up in Bremen and was held without charge in Guantánamo after the September 11 terrorist attacks. The whole thing is told from the perspective of the mother, played by Kaptan.

TV viewers know the entertainer from formats such as “Ladies Night” or other shows, for example alongside Jürgen von der Lippe or Enie van de Meiklokjes. She has also acted in a Turkish movie. The Berlinale was new territory for Kaptan. Kaptan was born in Gütersloh and studied in Istanbul and the USA, among other places. She lives in Cologne.

Anyone who sees her performing quickly realizes how much self-mockery she has. «What goes best with a well-rounded Turkish comedian? That’s right, a skinny German lawyer.” make things up to yourself? “You can’t do that as a Turk.” That’s not genetic, she jokes.

Kaptan shows all her skills in Dresen’s film. With humor and full of energy, she draws the portrait of a down-to-earth woman who fights to the point of exhaustion for justice for her son. She is convincing both in moments of rebellion against bureaucracy and inhumanity and in those of quiet despair.

Kaptan’s game is authentic and straightforward. Just as the film character Rabiye often finds the right simple words to characterize people and situations, the actress has used the right acting means in every scene. She gives Kurnaz’s mother contour, character and depth of soul.

In addition, screenwriter Laila Stieler, who also received a Berlinale Bear, wrote some wonderful dialogues. For example, when Murat would like to be alone for a moment. “I understand,” says his mother. “I’ll come with you.”


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