Berlin – report on election breakdowns – politics

Berlin:Report on election breakdowns

Berlin’s Senator for the Interior, Andreas Geisel (SPD), specified the extent of the election mishaps in the votes on September 26th. According to his findings, there were incidents in “probably about 100 of the 2,245 polling stations” that go beyond the recounts that are usual for every election. The Senate Interior Administration announced on Wednesday that these problems are still being examined. The proportion of polling stations in which major problems arose, for example due to missing or incorrect ballot papers, is around 4.5 percent. “In the overwhelming majority of the polling stations, those responsible – polling officers, electoral offices and electoral boards – did a good job despite the heavy burden,” the statement said.

After the elections to the Bundestag, the House of Representatives and the district assemblies on September 26, reports of possible counting and other mishaps accumulated.

© SZ from October 7th, 2021 / dpa

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