Berlin: Giffey elected mayoress

As of: December 21, 2021 11:27 a.m.

Former Federal Family Minister Giffey is the new Governing Mayor of Berlin. The SPD politician received 84 out of 139 votes in the House of Representatives and now leads a red-green-red Senate.

The Berlin House of Representatives has elected the SPD politician Franziska Giffey as the new governing mayor. As Parliament President Dennis Buchner announced, 84 MPs voted for Giffey, 52 against her and two abstained.

The politician needed at least 74 votes for her election as head of government. The coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the Left has a total of 92 members.

Coalition agreement signed

The SPD, the Greens and the Left had previously signed their coalition agreement for the formation of the new state government in the capital. “The coalition agreement has been signed,” said the Berlin Social Democrats on Twitter. Representatives of the three coalition partners signed the 150-page long paper in the State Library.

The Social Democrats won the House of Representatives election on September 26th, clearly ahead of the Greens and the CDU, while the Left came fourth. The SPD then sounded out with the CDU and FDP, but ultimately spoke out in favor of a new version of the alliance with the Greens and the Left Party.

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