Berlin election survey: Majority for CDU-SPD coalition

Forsa survey
The majority of Berliners want CDU man Kai Wegner to rule – and prefer a specific coalition

Kai Wegner (CDU) is the winner of the Berlin House of Representatives election. It is unclear what role the Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) will play in a future Senate.

© Sean Gallup / Getty Images

On day one after the parliamentary elections in Berlin, it is still completely unclear who will govern the capital in the coming years. According to a survey, voters have a preference.

A clear majority of Berliners sees the task of forming a government for the CDU after Sunday’s parliamentary elections. This emerges from a survey published on Monday by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL and ntv.

Accordingly, 65 percent of those surveyed are of the opinion that the Christian Democrats should lead the new Senate. In the case of the SPD, 15 percent see the task of forming a government, in the case of the Greens, ten percent. The remaining 10 percent had no opinion. Even among the voters of the SPD, a majority of 54 percent sees the task of the CDU and its mayoral candidate Kai Wegner.

Which coalition should govern Berlin?

Mathematically, three government coalitions are considered realistic after Sunday’s election: a continuation of the previous red-red-green alliance, a black-red coalition or black-green.

The majority of the Berliners surveyed are in favor of a so-called grand coalition of the CDU and SPD: 42 percent. 35 percent would still like a Senate made up of SPD, Greens and Leftists, 16 percent are in favor of a black-green alliance in the capital.

While the majority of supporters of the SPD, Greens and Left Party are in favor of continuing the previous coalition, 82 percent of CDU voters want their party to form an alliance with the SPD.

role of the SPD

The behavior of the SPD is crucial for the future government in Berlin. Here, 55 percent of all eligible voters surveyed want a coalition with the CDU32 percent are in favor of continuing the alliance with the Greens and the Left Party.

Kai Wegner wants majority as governing mayor

When it comes to who should call the shots in the Red City Hall in the future, most Berliners support CDU man Kai Wegner (39 percent). The previous Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) want 27 percent to continue to see the head of the Senate, the Greens candidate Bettina Jarasch 19 percent.

Whoever governs Berlin in the future has many challenges to overcome. High rents, a lack of apartments, climate protection, traffic problems, crime, ailing schools and a partly non-functioning administration are all part of it. The coming days in Berlin state politics should be exciting, it amounts to a power game.

For the representative survey this Monday, Forsa interviewed 1,126 voters in Berlin via an online panel. The statistical error tolerance is plus/minus three points. The star is part of RTL Germany.


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