Berlin doctors: Unvaccinated people should pay for their treatment

Berlin doctors demand: Unvaccinated people should pay for their treatment

“With a compulsory vaccination alone we will not get any further here”, so the KV board of directors.

© Marijan Murat // Picture Alliance

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Berlin calls for the unvaccinated to share the costs of hospital services: “The income could benefit the nursing staff.”

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) Berlin is calling for a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people and a general obligation to vaccinate, as well as for unvaccinated people to be paid for hospital services. “The high proportion of people who have not yet been vaccinated will otherwise lead us into a catastrophe and overload our health system to a degree that we have not known before. We will not get any further here with mandatory vaccination alone,” he said KV board on Tuesday with.

Covid-19: Berlin doctors demand: Unvaccinated people should pay for their treatment

Income should benefit nursing staff

The hospital patients should therefore be asked to pay a contribution or a surcharge on the health insurance contribution. “The income could benefit the nursing staff in the inpatient area and the medical assistants in the outpatient care”, so the KV Berlin. A consistent strategy in the fight against pandemics is necessary from politics in order to avert collateral damage to society, it said.


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