Berkshire Hathaway Vice-President Hits Crypto as a “Sewer” Full of Dangerous Creatures

Charlie Munger – vice president of Berkshire Hathaway – has once again criticized the crypto market, believing that the entire space is “a scam.” A “drain” for bad people who want to sell worthless digital coins.

ingive an interviewPublished in the Australian Financial Review on Tuesday, Munger describes the “crypto craze within the past few years as a form of cryptocurrency.” He claimed that crypto was “foolishness”. “Waste Investment”

“I just avoid it because it’s like a sewer full of dangerous creatures,” he said in an interview. “I avoid it and advise everyone to follow me.”

Billionaires also refer to crypto as a tool that But data from Chainalysis shows that crypto transactions are now much less dominated by criminals.

back in February He used to call crypto a “venereal disease” that he was happy to avoid it. and praised the ban in this sector of China.

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