“Berder Island is not for sale”, replies the owner to his opponents

It is one of the jewels of the Gulf of Morbihan. But for several months, the island of Berder has been at the heart of a legal battle. The case has its roots in 2016, the year in which the Rennes real estate group Giboire got hold of this majestic 23-hectare pebble which has long served as a holiday center. Its CEO Michel Giboire then dreamed of building a luxury hotel complex of 80 rooms with swimming pool, spa, hammam and a car park with around 100 spaces.

But in the town of Larmor-Baden, the resistance is organizing to denounce this project which will “distort and disfigure the island for the benefit of a few wealthy clients”, according to Marc Chapiro, spokesperson for the Berder Ensemble collective. Michel Giboire also has his supporters, with some residents looking favorably on this project likely to create jobs and bring economic benefits to the town.

The abandoned hotel project

In July, justice finally took up the case, the administrative court of Rennes partially canceling the local urban plan (PLU) of Larmor-Baden. A decision that had the effect of burying the hotel project. “Michel Giboire took note of the administrative tribunal’s decision. The hotel project is therefore abandoned. He is studying options for the future of the island, ”said a spokesperson for the real estate group.

However, the story is not over yet since the mayor of Larmor-Baden announced at the end of September that he had filed an appeal against the partial cancellation of the PLU. Berder’s future is therefore still pending.

The Berder Ensemble collective launches an appeal to communities

In this context, the Berder Ensemble collective continues to maintain the pressure. Its members are now calling for Michel Giboire to sell his island. But the owner of Berder, contacted by 20 minutes, does not seem decided to give up his property. “The island is not for sale,” he answers laconically, refusing to comment further.

In their fight, the activists of the Berder Ensemble collective are also launching an appeal to communities to work together “to build a harmonious and public project in Berder”, with the idea of ​​one day making it a departmental park. In the meantime, the island still remains the property of Michel Giboire who established his second home in the old fisheries.

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