Benjamin Netanyahu: Does he only deserve his long term in office for the wars?

No Israeli prime minister has been in office as long as Benjamin – Bibi – Netanyahu. And no one has waged war as often as he has. Quite a few believe that he owes his long term in office solely to these armed conflicts. A review.

Many Israelis, probably most of them, are children of war. This applies even more to permanent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Not just because he – with a fresh school diploma in his pocket – spent longer in the military than usual. Or returned there briefly after completing his studies. Or because his brother is considered a war hero who fell during an Israeli liberation operation in Uganda. But above all because, as head of government, he has had a significant influence on five of the eight major wars in which Israel has been involved since its founding in 1948.

Quite a few people believe that he essentially owes his long term in office to all these armed conflicts.

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