Bella Hadid had nose surgery as a child – she now regrets it

surgery in childhood
Bella Hadid on Beauty Surgery: ‘I Wish I’d Kept My Ancestors’ Nose’

Model Bella Hadid on the Givenchy catwalk at Paris Fashion Week in March 2022

© Marechal Aurore/ABACA / Picture Alliance

Bella Hadid reveals a long-kept secret. Until now, she has denied that she has undergone any cosmetic surgery. But now it comes out: As a child, her nose was operated on and the model regrets it.

Her appearance has often been a topic of conversation in the past. Also because Bella Hadid’s changes are quite noticeable and recognizable even for the layperson. Nevertheless, the 25-year-old consistently denied that she had changed anything operationally. In an interview with the fashion magazine “Vogue”, Gigi Hadid’s little sister now admits that the surgical optimization began early.

Her sister Gigi Hadid gained public recognition and the first modeling jobs as a teenager: “I was always the uglier sister,” says Bella Hadid, who is one year older. “I was the brunette, I wasn’t as cool as Gigi, not as outgoing, people kept telling me that too, and if you’re told it often enough, eventually you’ll start to feel it,” said the model, who now has it big shows.

Bella Hadid did many therapies for her psyche

In the interview, the 25-year-old admitted openly that she still has problems with her self-esteem. Through her upbringing, the model even developed an eating disorder, which she fought therapeutically. She also suffered from depression. Her childhood wounds heal slowly, and to this day she still fights against the traumatic experiences from time to time. Bella Hadid also admitted to mistakes in managing her feelings of inferiority. So she said openly that she had her nose operated at the age of 14 and regrets it today: “I wish I had kept my ancestors’ nose,” she told the magazine. “I think I would have grown into it.”

Here’s what Bella Hadid looked like in 2010:

Bella Hadid teenagers

Yolanda Hadid, Bella Hadid (right) and David Foster in 2010 at an event in Las Vegas

© DP / Picture Alliance

From an early age, Hadid’s mother Yolanda taught her children that life was almost all about beauty. There is plenty of evidence of this from past shows. Footage was released in 2019 of Bella and her sister Gigi Hadid performing with their mother on The Real Housewives years ago. The mother, Yolanda, was subsequently mocked for giving her young daughters diet advice and discouraging Gigi from playing volleyball because it gets her “stoned”. “Volleyball is a very male sport,” said Yolanda Hadid of the then 17-year-old. She also told the camera, “She has to start building her career and that means sometimes we have to give up the things we love to do. These girls train four hours a day after school to keep their bodies big and bulky I mean, they eat like men. I wanted her to develop as a woman.”

In another scene from the show’s fourth season, Yolanda and Gigi Hadid were on set at a photo shoot. The teenager was excited to celebrate her birthday and shared her excitement at breaking her diet. “I’m so looking forward to the meal,” she told her mother. “Pretty much everything we eat today is like having a heart attack in one meal, but it’s going to be so good.”

“They can have a night where they are undisciplined,” said Yolanda Hadid, “Then you have to go back to your diet because in Paris and Milan they only like the girls skinny.”

The top model has been walking all these big catwalks in Paris and Milan for many years. Despite the complexities and toxic upbringing, Bella Hadid has made a career for herself, but she sometimes questions herself: “I always wonder how a girl with incredible insecurities, anxiety, depression, body problems, eating problems, and hates, touched the ones she hates becoming who has strong social anxiety – how did she manage to get into this industry? Over the years I became a good actress. I put on a very smiling face or put on a very strong face like a mask. I had always felt like I had something to prove. People can say anything about how I look, how I speak, how I act. But in seven years I’ve never missed a job, canceled a job, been late for a job come. No one can ever say I don’t work my ass off.”

Over time, the model also seems to have gained inner strength, so that she now dares to stand up for her beauty procedure in public and to question the decision made at the time to change her appearance.

Swell: Daily Mail, Vogue


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