Belgorod: Russian fighter jet accidentally shells Russian border town (video)

Watch the video: Russian fighter jet accidentally shells Russian border town.

STORY: According to a media report, a Russian warplane fired on the Russian city of Belgorod near the border with Ukraine. “When a Sukhoi Su-34 aircraft flew over the city of Belgorod, aerial munitions were accidentally shot down,” the Russian state news agency TASS quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying on Friday. A local resident reports what she experienced. “I was already in bed. The explosion was so strong that I jumped up. The first thought was, ‘What was that? I didn’t expect we were going to get hit. You never believe in bad things. You always tend to to think that everything will be fine.” The governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said via Telegram that a 20-meter-wide crater had formed in one of the city’s main streets. Two women were injured, four cars and four houses were damaged. TASS reported that the Russian Defense Ministry is investigating the incident.

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