Belarus blocks Deutsche Welle on the Internet | Press | DW

The Ministry of Information in Minsk announced on its website that access to several news portals on the Internet had been restricted.

DW director Peter Limbourg sees the Belarus government’s blocking of journalistic offers from DW and other media as an act of desperation: “The accusation against DW is absolutely ridiculous. Mr. Lukashenko has shown that he is fighting against his own people Will stop at nothing to maintain its power. The heavy use of independent media offers clearly shows that the people in Belarus no longer trust the media controlled by the state. We protest against the blocking of our offers because the people there have a right to objective information about the situation in their country. “

On Thursday, October 28, 2021, users first drew attention to social media that the DW news pages were no longer available from some providers. Since then, the government has apparently implemented the lock across the board. The mobile reception is also disturbed.

In a statement on the website of the Belarusian Ministry of Information, Deputy Minister of Information Andrei Kunzewitsch announced that the Ministry had decided to restrict access to a number of news portals on the Internet, including DW.

The Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko

The reason given was that DW spreads hyperlinks to materials on its website that would be classified as extremist on the basis of corresponding court orders: “Article 38 of the Media Act provides, among other things, for a direct ban on the dissemination of hyperlinks to such materials.” , says Kunzewitsch.

DW had significantly expanded its offers for Belarus in spring 2021. The German international broadcaster wants to support the civil society awakening in Belarus with the media.

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