Before the strike, Elisabeth Borne defends a project “promoting social progress”

Elisabeth Borne defended her pension reform, a project “bringing social progress for the country”, during a public meeting organized by Renaissance deputy Mathieu Lefevre on Wednesday evening in Nogent-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne), on the eve of the first day of strikes.

The Prime Minister was not announced for this meeting in front of a hundred people who came on registration in a room of the Watteau theater, in the presence of the deputy for the constituency, close to Gérald Darmanin, and the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, and supervised by a substantial safety device.

“A project of justice”, says Borne

“We do not undertake pension reform lightly. I am perfectly aware that this is a very delicate, very sensitive subject, which inevitably raises many questions for all French people, ”declared the Prime Minister on her arrival.

“When we initiated this reform with the Minister, we took it to heart, in all the discussions we were able to hold with the trade unions, the employers’ organizations and all the parliamentary groups, to have a justice project and a progress project,” she continued.

Very popular strike on Thursday

In response to the first intervention from the room, the head of government assured that the starting age of 55 for the disabled would remain unchanged. “Wasn’t there other ways to make it less brutal for us?” “, Then asked an employee, forced to work “one more year” with the reform project.

In response, Borne said she was “determined” to “change the way companies look at seniors”. “I find it extremely shocking that we have rather large groups that permanently have voluntary departure plans in which, in the end, we let the seniors leave,” she said.

The strike against the pension reform and the postponement of the legal age to 64 promises to be very popular on Thursday, particularly in education and transport, despite the government’s efforts to defend its “justice project” and its calls to avoid blockages.

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