Before the nightclubs close on Friday, are you going to party one last time?

The Covid-19 epidemic is starting again: the toddler in a nightclub, it’s over! For at least four weeks, the dance floors will be empty. No more frenzied weekends, student evenings or New Year’s Eve… A decision that weakens club owners, a sector already weakened by the need to present a health pass at the entrance and to wear a mask all the time.

While strolling in the center of Vierzon (Cher), the Head of State was arrested by a nightclub owner who told him: “It is again us that you are closing, the 1,200 establishments” in France. “We are not asking for alms, we want to work,” he added. “You must not believe that you are stigmatized”, replied Emmanuel Macron. Unlike restaurants and bars, where “we are seated”, “most of the time we are not around a table” in nightclubs, he explained to the boss who complained of a difference. treatment between these establishments.

To party one last time, are you planning to go to a nightclub on Thursday night? Are you a regular at parties and not going out to a nightclub anymore is a big blow? What solutions have you found to continue having a nightlife? Testify in the form below.

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