Before OL-PSG, Lyon considers the gauge limited to 5,000 spectators “unfair”

When Roxana Maracineanu announced Tuesday evening “the opening of the possibility of applying proportional gauges specifically for major sports facilities”, OL supporters suddenly regained hope. It must be said that maintaining the gauges limited to 5,000 places for three weeks would prevent the majority of them from attending the shocks against PSG on Sunday, then ASSE on January 21. A situation as it is necessarily badly experienced by Xavier Pierrot, deputy general manager of OL in charge of the stadium.

“We are angry, launches this one this Wednesday. How to accept that shopping centers host the sales in mid-January indoors with tens or even hundreds of thousands of customers who will come by public transport? We are in the open air. Some of our subscribers got vaccinated, reluctantly, because they understood that it was important, in relation to the communication of the club and the organization of the vaccination center inside the stadium. To thank them, they will not be able to attend the two most important games of the season. It is incomprehensible and unfair. “

“A colossal financial impact”

Xavier Pierrot, who insists on the fact that it is “not understandable” that a stadium of 5,000 seats can accommodate as many spectators as a stadium of 59,000 seats like the Parc OL, hopes that a compromise will be found. ‘here Sunday. “We want to fight to the end to have this unfair measure lifted,” he says. With 20,000 spectators, we can at least satisfy all of our subscribers. One-third filling would be coherent in terms of health and easy to implement to meet the expectations of certain ministers. We are working with the authorities and we hope to win our case. “

Whatever happens, “the financial impact will be colossal” for the Lyon club, with “several million euros” lost on these two posters intended to be sold out. “The government wants to compensate [par une dotation publique] but last season, there was a ceiling, recalls Xavier Pierrot. This is where there is a triple penalty for big clubs like us. We have a large, private stadium with a tonnage set at 5,000 and we have a capped compensation. We are always losers. We hope that this time around, the compensation is not capped to take into account the reality of the losses. Before that, the stake will be not to count only on the historical partners of the club in the stadium, Sunday evening, to challenge the leader of Ligue 1.

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