Beer belly wanted! – Bavaria –

Walking around with no belly, what a dream! And by the way, more than summer fashion, also and especially for many men: Some people have been trying for years to get rid of their stomach, but unfortunately they just can’t get rid of it. Instead, every turn in front of the mirror turns into a bulging distorted image. Sure, men could hold back on the calories in the future, that would also be good for your health. It’s just that discipline has died out, especially in Bavaria in August, when it feels like there’s a marquee on every third corner that invites you to grab and gain weight.

Emotionally, it can certainly carry weight when the reviled satchel is suddenly appreciated. Because, actually: He is wanted, for modeling purposes. More precisely: for a beer belly calendar. The Hütten brewery in Warmensteinach (Bayreuth district) and a local photographer have published one for the current year. The cover is adorned with a proud giant with a box on his shoulder and a keg on his hips, the 500 copies were quickly sold out.

Now a new edition of the photo calendar is planned for 2024. Male quins are therefore sought via social networks, who have a “beautiful beer belly”.. The first applications have already arrived, it says when asked by the SZ. But you look forward to more. The volume of the sphere is therefore irrelevant, smaller dimensions are also welcome. Among other things, of course, beer beckons as a thank you.

A publicity stunt, target group-oriented marketing or just an unusual photo project? In any case, the calendar could help to gain new perspectives on the beer belly. It does not eke out a secret existence: even hidden under clothing, it is unmistakably ahead of its owner. Despite this, comparatively little is said publicly about the aesthetics of the potbelly – and if so, then with the help of terms that take away the fullness of the round, such as “deli vault” or “lifebelt”. In view of the realities, such euphemisms often have to be found too light. So: shirt off, belly out! The chances of being admired with it are perhaps better than ever this summer.

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