Bedroom decor: the 15 worst decorating mistakes

It should be cozy and offer restful sleep without distraction: the bedroom basically only has one important task. But it has to be much more than that. The laundry is pushed into the bedroom to dry, a TV on the wall transforms the bed into a living room substitute. And superfluous stuff ends up there so that it is not in the apartment.

Many bedrooms are not particularly suitable as a place to relax. The division of the room is sometimes not optimal. Sometimes the bed is too close to the window, so that the draft makes you sick. Sometimes the colors are too bright and we just can’t calm down. Then there are the wrong bed linen, the wrong curtains and a missing bedspread. And so many bedrooms lead a rather dreary existence, while in the living room a lot of emphasis is placed on the right lighting and appropriate decoration.

In the photo series we present the worst furnishing mistakes. The good thing: With just a few simple steps and one or two decorative elements, even uncomfortable bedrooms can be spiced up very easily.

If the living room seems rather careless and cold instead of inviting, it may be due to these furnishing mistakes.


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