Bed bugs – detect, fight, protect yourself – health

From Paris to Berlin: there are a lot of bed bugs in big cities again. What if you also fear them in your bedroom at home? About a characteristic bite pattern, bitter almond smell and other signs of infestation – as well as ways to protect yourself.

They are said to have been spotted in cinemas, trains, clinics and schools: There are currently reports of a massive bed bug infestation in France. The British city of Luton shocked the country these days with the report that pest controllers are currently receiving an alarming number of bed bug orders every week. There were almost 90 this year alone. The problem has been reported in the USA for years, and a number of hotels are also said to be affected. Although precise statistics are lacking, observations suggest that bed bug infestations are increasing worldwide. The insects are also spreading in Germany, writes the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The causes are most likely increased trade and tourism as well as parasite resistance to important chemical insecticides, especially those containing pyrethroids. Facts about the blood-sucking animals.

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