Because of the Oprah interview: half-sister sues Duchess Meghan

Because of Oprah’s interview
Half-sister sues Duchess Meghan

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan at the Oprah interview about a year ago.

© imago images/ZUMA Wire

Samantha Markle now apparently wants to take her half-sister Duchess Meghan to court. Reason are false statements in the Oprah interview.

The feud between Duchess Meghan (40) and her estranged family does not end. It’s been almost exactly a year since she and husband Harry (37) gave their explosive exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey (68). Now Meghan’s half-sister Samantha (57) has allegedly filed a lawsuit for statements made in it, reports “Page Six”, citing court documentswhich should be available to the US side.

Accordingly, Meghan made “false and malicious statements” in the TV interview. The “slanderous suggestion” was that the “plaintiff had no relationship with her sister Meghan” and that they “were literally strangers”. According to the report, Samantha Markle also does not want to be accused of having “built a lucrative career selling false stories to tabloids and TV shows”.

Samantha Markle draws a completely different picture of her relationship and that of her father Thomas Markle (77) with Meghan than Prince Harry’s wife did about a year ago. Accordingly, it is not true that Meghan “raised herself in great poverty”. It is also not true that “at the age of 13 she was forced to work in several low-paying jobs to ‘make ends meet'”. Her father always tried to fulfill her wishes and paid for it. From an “expensive private school” to dance and acting classes.

Is her Cinderella fairy tale a lie?

In short: Meghan grew up much more sheltered than she claimed in an interview. Your narratives from “Cinderella to Princess” are lies. According to Page Six, Samantha Markle is now demanding $75,000 (€68,000) in compensation.

Opposite the US site “TMZ” Meghan’s lawyer Michael Kump has already commented on the allegations and the related lawsuit. He is quoted as saying, “This baseless and absurd lawsuit is merely the continuation of a disturbing pattern of behavior. We will only give her as much attention as is necessary, that’s all she deserves.”


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