Because of ex-RAF terrorists: police union calls for toughness against left-wing radicals

RAF terrorists in hiding
Police union calls for tougher action against left-wing radicals

Already after the verdict against the left-wing extremist Lina E., there were widespread protests

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The developments surrounding RAF terrorists who have been in hiding for years are bringing the left-wing radical scene back onto the agenda. The police union has a clear opinion on this – and is calling for new measures.

The The police union (GdP) has called on the interior ministers of the federal states to agree on a common concept to combat the growing violence of left-wing extremist groups. “The greatest danger to our democracy comes from right-wing extremist groups who want to abolish our constitution, but that is no reason to pursue violence from the left with less pressure,” said the GdP federal chairman, Jochen Kopelke, to the German Press Agency . He called on the interior ministers of the federal states to present a concept by their spring conference in June at the latest.

The GdP is particularly concerned about the growing number of small groups that are increasingly distancing themselves from the political discussion. “If we don’t break this spiral of radicalization, there will soon be a threat of completely different attacks,” warned Kopelke, referring to the arson attack by suspected left-wing extremists on the power supply of the Tesla factory and several communities in Brandenburg.

Police union: No cover for radicals

The GdP leader called on the left-wing scene to clearly distance themselves from the violence and “not to offer serious criminals any cover.” The fact that parts of the political left did not understand this contributed to the fact that the RAF terrorists in hiding remained unmolested for so long.

At the same time, the legislature is required to push ahead with the implementation of the planned law on critical infrastructure (Kritis umbrella law). The draft law, which sets out standards for the protection of such systems – which include waterworks, waste disposal companies and power plants – is currently being coordinated between the various federal government departments. According to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), the cabinet will soon deal with this.


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