beaten by Lula, Jair Bolsonaro concedes his defeat half-word

During a short speech, the Brazilian president returned to his successes and pledged to “respect the Constitution” after his defeat.

A half-acknowledged defeat. This Tuesday, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who was defeated by Lula in the Brazilian presidential election on Sunday, spoke for the first time since the end of the ballot. First, he wanted to thank “the 58 million Brazilians who voted for (him).”

Subsequently, the one who has been at the head of the country since January 2019 returned to the demonstrations which have paralyzed the country in recent hours. “Peaceful protests will always be welcome. We have multiple forces across the country, our dreams are still stronger than ever, we stand for order and progress,” he said.

“Authorized” transition

Regarding the transition process with the new president, Bolsonaro assures him, “I have always played with the constitution, I have always been within the rules, I have never deviated from them, as president of the Republic and citizen, I will continue to fulfill all the obligations of our constitution.”

“It is an honor to be the leader of millions of Brazilians who, like me, defend economic, religious freedom, freedom of opinion, unity and the green and yellow colors of our country”, he adds.

Following this short speech, Bolsonaro’s chief of staff confirmed that the latter had “authorized the transition” after Lula’s election.

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