“Beat the Star”: The winner will be announced shortly before the time change

“Beat the celebrity”
The winner will be announced shortly before the time change

The buddies Paul Panzer and Kaya Yanar met in “Schlag den Star”.

© Seven.One/Steffen Z Wolff

Who is ahead in the duel of comedians? Paul Panzer and Kaya Yanar gave each other nothing on “Schlag den Star”.

A tradition that has prevailed even without shower inventor Stefan Raab (57) is the princely playing time of the ““Strike the Star” format. And so the duel between the two comedians Paul Panzer (Dieter Tappert, 52) and Kaya Yanar (50) lasted until late into the night on Easter Saturday and narrowly missed the time change at 2:00 a.m. In the end In the most recent edition of the ProSieben show, which was all about Easter, the fictional character Paul Panzer got the better end.

However, Yanar got off to a better start, showing better hearing during the blind egg hunt and thus winning the opening game. In the “Egg Run” challenge, Panzer showed better balance a little later – and no fear of heights. Seven meters in the air was the narrow balance beam on which the two stars had to transport their fragile cargo from one end to the other.

Tight box over almost the full distance

What was already apparent early in the evening: The two pranksters didn’t give each other anything and, with their infantile cheerfulness, they particularly strained the nerves of moderator Elton (52) and commentator Ron Ringguth (58). Yanar in particular seemed to have made it his mission to bully the eternal show intern Elton.

But he also took the duel seriously and a very exciting exchange of blows developed that lasted almost the entire distance. Panzer finally earned a match point for game 14. The game was “Ringing the Bulls”, an infamous category of the format in which a ring on a string has to be swung onto a hook. The game is feared because a “Beat the Raab” episode once lasted over an hour!

This time, however, ProSieben was lenient with its candidates and viewers; “Ringing the Bulls” was shortened to a fixed time limit of six minutes. At 1:35 a.m., 25 minutes before the time change, Panzer used his match point and won 100,000 euros with a score of 66:39.


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