“Beat the Star”: Axel Stein wins against Tom Beck

ProSieben show
Defeat of Tom Beck – Axel Stein wins “Beat the Star”

Axel Stein wins “Schlag den Star” and secures the suitcase with 100,000 euros

© Willi Weber / ProSieben

With Axel Stein and Tom Beck, there were no newcomers to “Schlag den Star” on Saturday evening. Both have already won the show. Stein now won the direct duel.

In “Schlag den Star” we met Axel Stein and Tom Beck, two old hands of the popular ProSieben show, delivered an exciting five-hour race on Saturday evening. Beck has won the show twice, Stein defeated pop singer Michael Wendler about ten years ago. Stein can now also claim a second triumph on his “Beat the Star” list.

The warm-up started with “Planing & Collecting” – Stein secured the first game. But after the second game, a strenuous “tennis bowling,” Beck fought back. After a long back and forth, Axel Stein was ahead with 22 points after seven games and was considered the favorite – for the time being.

“Beat the Star”: Tom Beck and Axel Stein have an exciting race

At the outdoor game “Autocross” Then things got really fast in the truest sense of the word. Both actors had to complete a course in a rear-wheel drive outdoor vehicle. Mud and sharp curves didn’t make it easy for either of them. Moderator Elton was concerned about the conditions of the vehicles: “Tom, be careful if the car breaks down, that’s stupid!” Beck eventually secured the lap and took the lead again for a while.

This was followed by the classics “Disgrace or collect”, “Speedcourt”, “Throw upside down” and “Assign” – and Stein was back at the top. After an exciting head-to-head race, the match point game followed with “Tablecloth”. Finally, around 1:10 a.m Axel Stein triumphed with 61:44 and receive the winner’s suitcase with the prize money of 100,000 euros. Tom Beck took his defeat calmly: “It was a nice evening. Axel totally deserved it.”


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