BDI – head of the association Lang wants to go – economy

Germany’s largest industry association BDI has to look for a new general manager. The previous head of the association, Joachim Lang, 54, wanted to resign from his job at the end of May, the BDI announced on Monday. At its next meeting in two weeks, the Executive Committee will ask Lang to have his appointment revoked. This is done “in full mutual appreciation of those involved”. The lawyer Lang came from the energy company Eon to the Federation of German Industries in 2016 and was appointed general manager after just a few months. Previously, he had worked for the Union faction and in the Federal Chancellery.

The exact background of the premature change initially remained unclear, even in the association many are surprised by the personnel. “After five intensive and fulfilling years in office, I have decided to pursue new content-related and professional goals,” said Lang. Association President Siegfried Russwurm expressed his regret. Lang led the association “with great care and great personal commitment”. For the time being, Lang’s deputy will run the business.

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