Bayou denounces LFI’s “lying poker”, which demands “clarity” from EELV

The left union is not for now. The head of EELV Julien Bayou denounced this Wednesday the “lying poker” of La France insoumise during their negotiations for an agreement in the legislative elections, while the formation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon asks EELV for “clarity”.

“We believe that it is still possible to reach an agreement”, declared Julien Bayou, the national secretary of EELV, during a press conference at the headquarters of the party. But “there we are blocked”, he regretted.

Compromise on the European Union

First, according to him, the Insoumis do not want to hear their proposal for a label of “ecological and social popular front”, and remain on their idea of ​​a “Popular Union” in the continuity of the presidential election. Then, his spokeswoman Eva Sas denied that environmentalists have differences on the “blocking of the price of gasoline” and on retirement at 60, as the Insoumis accuse them of in a press release published earlier in the day. .

On the second measure, EELV simply asks for details on the financing, indicated Julien Bayou. On the other hand, he acknowledged that the two parties had to work on a compromise on the European Union. Environmentalists agree to “change the direction” but fear that “disobedience” vis-à-vis the treaties will ultimately lead to leaving the EU.

Finally, Julien Bayou said he expected more on the winnable constituencies proposed by the Insoumis. “No hypocrisy, it mainly negotiates on the constituencies, while only the quibbles on the project come out in the press”, he smiled. However, he added, “the number of deputies matters. We first asked for 32 constituencies out of the 100 best, they told us 16”, and now the ecologists are asking for 20 in a document sent Tuesday at 10 p.m. Too often LFI “wants the virtual erasure of environmental candidates”, he denounced.

Tensions among the Greens

Julien Bayou has also denied the rumors that the 9th district of Paris, for which Sandrine Rousseau was “pre-invested”, would not be part of these requests. Despite this denial, the person concerned warned Wednesday evening in The Parisian : “We cannot make 49% of the primary environmentalist disappear [son score contre Yannick Jadot] and everything I wore during the presidential election”, warning that she would be a candidate “whatever happens” in this constituency in south-west Paris held by an LREM deputy.

“LFI must understand that it must not repeat the hegemonic reflexes of 2017”, where no agreement had succeeded, thundered the other spokesperson for EELV Alain Coulombel. For its part, LFI asked at midday for “clarity”, considering that “certain leaders of EELV seem to be using our discussions to settle internal disagreements”, referring to criticisms expressed by their ex-candidate Yannick Jadot . The MEP on Tuesday denounced the “hijacking of institutions” by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, solid 3rd in the presidential election (21.95%) when he asked the French to elect him Prime Minister.

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