Bayern Munich: Hoeneß: Transfer from Mané a “masterpiece” by Salihamdzic

Bayern Munich
Hoeneß: Transfer of Mané a “masterpiece” by Salihamdzic

Arrived well at Bayern Munich: Sadio Mané. photo

© Bernd Thissen/dpa

Uli Hoeneß raves about Sadio Mané from Munich and praises sports director Hasan Salihamidzic for signing the star striker.

Uli Hoeneß raves about Sadio Mané from Munich and praises sports director Hasan Salihamidzic for signing the star striker.

“When Hasan mentioned the transfer to the supervisory board, I said: ‘If we get it, you can buy it without our permission.’ It’s a masterpiece that Hasan did it,” said the 70-year-old Honorary President of FC Bayern the “sports picture”. “Mané doesn’t drink alcohol, his whole life consists of football. It’s a dream for the team and for our public image.”

For Hoeneß, Mané is “awesome”

The German soccer record champion had signed the 30-year-old Senegalese before this season, according to reports Bayern will pay up to 41 million euros to Liverpool FC. In his first three Bundesliga games, Mané scored three goals and was allowed to celebrate on the fence with the Ultras after the 6-1 win at Eintracht Frankfurt at the start of the league.

“When I saw the picture of Sadio Mané with the megaphone, I couldn’t believe it. I’m curious how my friends from the elite will deal with it, whether they allow the players to be close,” said Hoeneß, a member of the supervisory board, for whom Mané ” the hammer” is.

Hoeneß also sees Mané’s signing as confirmation for sports director Salihamidzic, whose work is always viewed critically by the public. “I was always behind him one hundred percent, in good times and bad,” said Hoeneß. “Everyone on the board has made strong progress over the past few months.”

The long-serving president emphasized that in his opinion the Munich club was a “family club” where things were “human”. “It took a while with Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidzic, but now for the first time I have the feeling that the two Bavarians are not a mercenary club either, where the players only play for the money.”


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