Bavarian state parliament: No access for enemies of the constitution – Bavaria

After a party in the state parliament with far-right guests at the invitation of AfD MPs, President Ilse Aigner wants to have the tightening of the house rules checked. This is part of a bundle of measures that the CSU politician promised on Monday in her balance sheet for the 2018 to 2023 election period. After the election in October, she is aiming – if she is re-elected and remains in the post of President of the Parliament – for a fine to be established for MPs in the state parliament, as has already been the case in the Bundestag. And apart from tightening the house rules, the state parliament could give itself a common code of democracy so that “the dignity of the house is not violated outside of the house either”. It should be published who supports these values ​​and signs the code – and who does not.

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