Bavaria will collect more inheritance tax in 2022 – Bavaria

Revenue from inheritance and gift taxes for the Free State is bubbling. In 2022, 3.35 billion euros were set in Bavaria, as the State Office for Statistics announced. That was another 164 million euros more than the long-term high in the previous year. According to the state office, all of the money flows into the Free State’s coffers as a state tax.

According to the state office, a good half of tax revenue comes from large inheritances and gifts in which more than 5 million euros were transferred beyond the tax allowances. They made up one percent of the cases recorded. The income was based on 25,312 inheritances or legacies and 10,757 donations for which taxes were incurred and for which the tax was assessed in 2022. That was a little less than a year ago.

In total, assets amounting to 20.45 billion euros were transferred. 2.67 billion euros in taxes arise from inheritances and legacies, and 684 million euros from donations. The statistics do not show when the inheritance or gift took place. Gifts and inheritances within the allowances for which no tax is due were also not counted.

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