Bavaria: What’s going on in the town hall of Bad Wörishofen? – Bavaria

Numerous employees are resigning, the treasurer is effectively banned from working, and the first mayor is said to be responsible for this. The city council is now asking him to clarify the obvious abuses in the well-known Kneipp port.

Now there should be a special meeting of the city council in Bad Wörishofen at the end of the summer holidays. The members of the committee announced this in a joint statement on Monday, expressly on behalf of the second and third mayors. On the other hand, there is no mention of the first mayor, Stefan Welzel, who is on vacation at the moment. The letter can therefore be seen as a slap in the face for the CSU man, whom quite a few people in Bad Wörishofen accuse of no longer having his shop under control: Almost 50 employees have left the town hall since he took office in 2020, it is said. A dispute with the chamberlain recently escalated, and the mayor even forbade him to enter the town hall at times. And now the city council – including his CSU party comrades, who are apparently also moving away from him – is announcing in the absence of the boss that they want to deal with the staff turnover in the city hall, which is probably unique in Bavaria.

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