Bavaria: The new rules for Christmas markets – Bavaria

The Bavarian government has presented the exact rules for this year’s Christmas markets. Much is allowed again, Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) praised the “moderate protection concept”. But what exactly does the four-page paper from the Ministry of Health and Economic Affairs provide?

Do you have to wear a mask?

In the open air you can do it without a mask. If it is not possible to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, it is recommended. At least one medical mask is required indoors. This also applies to employees, provided they do not have a fixed standing or workplace where the minimum distance is maintained, or they are protected at counters or cash registers with separating discs or the like. Children up to six years of age are excluded, as are people with a medical certificate. In the catering trade, the mask can be removed at the table.

Is there food and drink?

There are practically no restrictions here. Eating and drinking are allowed in gastronomy. Take-away offers for consumption on the premises are also allowed, as is the serving of alcohol and mulled wine.

Does the 3-G rule apply?

Basically there is no 3G requirement on the Christmas markets. If there are restaurants in indoor areas, only those who have been vaccinated, who have been tested or who have recovered have access – provided that the respective seven-day incidence is over 35. The organizers can also voluntarily apply stricter rules – i.e. only allow vaccinated and convalescent people or require a PCR test for those tested.

Who is not allowed to come?

Those who are infected with the corona virus or who are in quarantine are of course not allowed to go to the Christmas market. This also applies to people with typical Covid-19 symptoms such as loss of smell and taste, respiratory diseases or general unspecific symptoms of illness.

Will the Christmas markets be the same as always?

No, because in the markets – wherever possible – a minimum distance of 1.5 meters should be maintained, crowd gatherings should be prevented. As suitable measures for this, the framework concept names, among other things, larger distances between the stands, distance markings, enlarged sales areas, visitor guidance and signs. There could also be one-way street regulations, especially at the entrances and exits.

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