Bavaria: The long wait for the heat pump – Bavaria

Two years ago, Anton Leitner decided to install heat pumps in two houses in Weßling – and despaired of the bureaucracy: time flies by filling out and sending applications and other documents, while costs explode. It is a symbol of the problems with the energy transition.

Anton Leitner’s frustration can be measured: he weighs around two kilograms, at least if you take the weight of his countless applications and entries neatly filed in pink transparent envelopes as an indication. He has filed almost all the documents that he received or had to submit from heating engineers, landscape gardeners and fitters in folders. The 62-year-old poet, editor and publisher wants to equip two houses in Weßling with a gas hybrid heat pump. He commissioned the building two years ago. Today he has unanswered questions, two full folders and holes in the garden.

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