Bavaria: The era of Prime Minister Hugo Max Graf von Lerchenfeld – Bavaria

Of the many fateful years that Bavaria experienced, the year 1922 is probably given the least attention. Wrongly. Because at that time Prime Minister von Lerchenfeld would have had it in his hands to end “Hitlerism”.


Hans Kratz

History doesn’t repeat itself in every detail, but the parallels it manages to create never cease to amaze. Economic crisis, political instability, inflation, these nuisances of the present were also plaguing people a hundred years ago. So it doesn’t hurt to look back, which has often happened with regard to the revolution of 1918/19. The years that follow are less present, although they are particularly instructive because of their fateful mistakes. The question of how it was possible for radical forces to quickly gain the upper hand in Germany can be discussed in 1922 as an example. It was also a crucial year for Bavaria insofar as it missed its last chance to use common sense to strengthen its independence and to scare the radical forces off the political stage.

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