Bavaria: State parents’ council should be democratically legitimized – Bavaria

The SPD, Greens and FDP parliamentary groups want to present a draft law in the Bavarian state parliament on Tuesday that provides for democratic legitimation of the state parents’ council. After that, the 15 members of a state parent advisory board for daycare parents should be elected and not appointed by the government as planned, the three factions announced on Monday. Bavaria’s parents should be able to have an equal say in how day-to-day daycare is designed, it said. However, true parental involvement is only possible with independent actors.

The government of the CSU and Free Voters wants to decide on the state parents’ council on Wednesday in the plenary session. In mid-May, Social Affairs Minister Ulrike Scharf (CSU) announced the establishment of a joint state parent advisory board for day care centers, school childcare and day care facilities.

The Ministry of Social Affairs wants to select the members of the committee from a list of candidates that should be put together by sponsoring associations or sponsors of crèches, kindergartens and after-school care centers. The advisory body is to be given hearing and information rights. The opposition in the state parliament and parents’ representatives criticize the lack of democratic legitimacy of the planned body and the strong connection to the ministry.

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