Bavaria: Retail, restaurants and brewers are hoping for good sales at the European Championship – Bavaria

When the Bavarian traders, brewers and innkeepers keep their fingers crossed for the German national football team from mid-June, they are also doing so in their own economic interest. All three industries are hoping for sales boosts from the EM. But how big these are depends primarily on the football gods – and his colleagues in the weather department.

The Bavarian retail sector is hoping for additional sales of between 100 and 200 million euros, as the managing director of its association, Bernd Ohlmann, says. What matters most is how far the German team gets. “Shopping is also psychology and if they put on a summer fairy tale reloaded, the mood will be great and that’s of course good for us.”

Of course, the sports trade could benefit with jerseys or balls, says Ohlmann. There is also the electronics retailer with televisions or projectors and of course the food retailer with drinks, grilled food or other products for the celebration in front of your own television. Hardware stores also benefit from this, for example when a new grill is purchased.

Overall, the estimate is keeping the ball flat, says Ohlmann. At the time, 500 million were expected for the home World Cup in 2006 – and it was not achieved. But a good performance could also help beyond the direct effect if it improves the mood of the population.

The hospitality industry is also hoping for good sales. This is particularly true for Munich, the only venue in the Free State. According to Dehoga Bayern, 60 percent of the companies there are hoping for positive impulses. Many are already seeing higher booking numbers for the season. There are also effects on the catering industry – especially on match days and not only near the stadium, but also on the fan miles and in the city centers. Almost a quarter of Dehoga members are already sure that they will broadcast the games live.

Bavarian brewers can benefit from the live broadcast in pubs, beer gardens and taverns as well as from the barbecue at home. Major football events traditionally have a positive influence on beer sales, says the managing director of the Bavarian Brewers Association, Lothar Ebbertz. This especially applies to small, regional breweries. How big the boost is depends not only on the performance of the German team but also heavily on the weather. “We are happy about the positive impulses and hope that people will celebrate with a glass of Bavarian beer.”

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