Bavaria: North-South gap in the shortage of skilled workers – Bavaria

Insufficient potential personnel – and still unequally distributed across the country: The Bavarian Business Association (VBW) fears a north-south divide in the shortage of skilled workers in Bavaria. The association published a study on Thursday of how the work landscape could change at a regional level by 2035. Accordingly, “above-average declines” in the labor supply can be expected here, especially in the rural districts of Lower Franconia, Upper Franconia, Middle Franconia and the Upper Palatinate. The shortage could be particularly severe in the Upper Franconian district of Kronach: According to the forecast, the demand for workers would then be around 22 percent higher than the supply. The main reason is the demographic development.

In the metropolitan areas, on the other hand, a slightly better trend is observed, according to a VBW statement. Nevertheless, the study assumes that the labor supply in Bavaria will drop significantly by 2035: by a good 400,000 people to 6.2 million. 66,000 employees could then be missing in this country just for driving vehicles and transport equipment – and 65,000 in cleaning jobs.

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