Bavaria mourns the loss of Barbara Stamm – Bavaria

“With her, we are losing a great role model for women in politics, a passionate fighter for the weak in society and a convinced democrat.” President of the Landtag Ilse Aigner (CSU)

“Barbara Stamm was the most important politician in the Free State and the mother of Bavaria.” Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU)

“A woman for whom the C in CSU, the Christian conviction was not just a word, but a way of life, fed by her own life.” Würzburg’s Catholic Bishop Franz Jung

“Even against resistance in their own ranks, the biblical option for the weak has repeatedly become clearly recognizable as a guiding criterion for their political action.” Bavaria’s Evangelical Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

“With her, we are losing a great personality who shaped Würzburg, a constant who always stood up for her hometown and especially for the weak in society.” Würzburg Mayor Christian Schuchardt (CDU)

“She didn’t shy away from criticizing her own party when she missed out on the ‘Christian’ or ‘social’ aspects of the CSU. She didn’t bend over backwards, but always stood up for her values ​​and convictions.” Green parliamentary group leader Ludwig Hartmann

“She had backbone, a clear social compass and was always open to compromises. I will remember her Franconian human nature and her sense of humor.” SPD parliamentary group leader Florian von Brunn

“Her empathy, determination and straightforwardness made her a very valuable person who leaves his mark in the Free State.” Free voter parliamentary group chairman Florian Streibl

“She has exhausted herself over the years and not spared.” Würzburg’s Caritas CEO Clemens Bieber

“It was good to have her on the side as a fighter in disability policy.” VdK State President Ulrike Mascher

“Barbara Stamm was committed from the bottom of her heart, not out of political calculation. She leaves a big gap in Bavaria and in the CSU that will be difficult to fill.” Horst Seehofer, former Prime Minister of Bavaria

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