Bavaria: Investigations against teachers because of child pornographic photos – Bavaria

Investigations are currently underway in Lower Franconia against a teacher who is said to be in possession of child pornographic images. He is also said to have secretly taken photos of students. The central office for cybercrime and the police headquarters in Lower Franconia announced on Wednesday that these images had no child pornographic content according to the current status.

The teacher worked in the Lower Main region. The Aschaffenburg police and the Center for Combating Child Pornography and Sexual Abuse on the Internet (ZKI) had investigated the suspicion that he possessed “image files with child pornographic content”. During the investigation, they came across recordings that the teacher is said to have made secretly at his school. “In the course of the investigations to date, there have been no indications that child pornographic recordings were made by schoolchildren from the region,” the statement said.

In connection with these photos, investigations are therefore being carried out in addition to the suspicion of child pornography because of the “suspicion of violation of the highly personal sphere of life and of personal rights through image recordings”. The accused is no longer working at the school. The Cybercrime Central Office did not provide any further information, such as how the police tracked down the man and when he took the pictures. The evaluation of the evidence and the investigation continued, said a spokesman in Bamberg.

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