Bavaria: Gerald Quitterer confirmed as President of the State Medical Association – Bavaria

The Bavarian State Medical Association is still managed by the general practitioner Gerald Quitterer from Eggenfelden in Lower Bavaria. The 66-year-old was confirmed in office by the delegates in a contested vote on Saturday in Munich. As a self-governing body, the Chamber of Physicians organizes important issues relating to the practice of around 92,000 doctors in Bavaria, including further training. In addition, the Chamber acts as an interest group in politics.

Quitterer has been Bavarian Medical President for the past five years. In his second term of office, he wants to work to ensure that patient care is also guaranteed in rural areas, said Quitterer. He called for an expansion of country doctor quotas in medical studies. If young doctors commit themselves to take over a family or specialist practice in the country, it must be possible to study without a first-class Abitur, he said. Quitterer announced that the medical association would also focus more on children’s health. In his opinion, politicians should introduce health as a school subject and ensure that the sale of unhealthy food is pushed back.

55-year-old hospital doctor Andreas Botzlar and 65-year-old pathologist Marlene Lessel were elected as Quitterer’s deputies. Botzlar, who is also the federal vice president of the Marburger Bund doctors’ union, ran against Quitterer in the presidential election. With the election of Marlene Lessels, a woman is once again represented in the three-person Executive Committee of the State Medical Association. For the previous five years it was staffed by three men.

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