Bavaria: Expert should examine corona masks – Bavaria

The Mask Investigation Committee met behind closed doors on Thursday until the evening hours. Topic: Evidence. The state government should provide samples of the masks that it bought under questionable circumstances at the beginning of the pandemic. The opposition believes that there are quality defects and that medical staff are at risk, but the Ministry of Health rejects this. So far, so clear, it should be questionable anyway whether the said masks are still sufficiently available in state pandemic camps. Committee chief Winfried Bausback (CSU) announced after the meeting: no agreement, applications for evidence postponed to next week. It is controversial: Who is allowed to touch the demonstration masks?

Florian Siekmann (Greens) made it clear on the sidelines of the meeting that he and others would like to “inspect” the masks themselves. He is not an expert on the filter effect, but wants to get an impression – and compare the numbers with those in the files to see whether they are really the ones requested. Afterwards: You are welcome to go to the appraiser! Gerald Pittner (FW) announced on Friday: The masks should go straight to the expert. If they first went through the hands of politicians, there was a risk that the professional’s work would be “made more difficult or even impossible.” Bausback had already said before the meeting that laypersons touching or smelling the masks would do no good. There is a threat of a “show event” in which some even wave the things around. exit open.

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