Bavaria: Entrepreneur is suing the Free State because of a collapsed mask business – Bavaria

An entrepreneur is suing the Free State for 1.6 million euros in damages because a mask business did not materialize. But that was agreed – by the minister’s ski instructor with her head of office. That’s not true, he says. That’s probably true, says the ski instructor. Now the court has to decide.


Andreas Glas and Klaus Ott

The minister’s ski instructor enters the courtroom, and what can you say? He really does look like you would imagine a ski instructor to look like. Strong, lint-beard, disheveled hairdo. But that’s not the point this Thursday in the Munich I district court. It’s about the question of whether the state has broken its word and whether an entrepreneur is left with millions of euros in damage. “One man, one word,” says the ski instructor, that was “absolutely one hundred percent” his “feeling” after a phone call with the head of the Ministry of Health. A word? He never gave, says the head of office.

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