Bavaria: CSU has to intervene in the dispute over Jäger President Weidenbusch – Bavaria

The fronts in the dispute over the president of the hunters, Weidenbusch, are irreconcilable and his withdrawal is the only way out. If he doesn’t go himself, the CSU must intervene. Out of your own interest.

Chairmen of clubs and associations, regardless of whether they are small or large, need the strong support of their members. This is a bulrush. How else are they supposed to assert their interests externally and keep the store together internally? That’s why no one would have blamed the President of the Hunters, Ernst Weidenbusch, if he had pulled the ripcord after his very close re-election in the spring and announced: “I understand, I won’t accept the election!” He had just got 318 votes out of 633 votes, little more than 50 percent.

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