Bavaria: CSU boss Söder on the resignation of Secretary General Mayer – Bavaria

After the surprising resignation of CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer, party leader Markus Söder wants to comment publicly on Wednesday morning. The CSU invited Söder to make a press statement at the party headquarters at ten o’clock. As could be heard from CSU circles, there should not yet be a successor solution.

Mayer announced his resignation as Secretary-General on Tuesday evening after just over two months in office. The 48-year-old named health reasons in a written statement. At the same time, however, the member of the Bundestag admitted that, in retrospect, “possibly” an inappropriate choice of words was given to a journalist – he did not give any details himself. A Colorfuljournalist had previously accused the CSU politician of threatening him by phone.

Watch the live stream of the press conference here:

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