Bavaria: Children at the lateral thinker school – Bavaria



Children at the lateral thinker school

On a farm in Schechen, the authorities stopped the operation of an unauthorized school.

(Photo: Peter Kneffel / dpa)

In Bavaria, dubious learning groups are spreading, with which parents and teachers try to bypass the state corona measures. In the meantime, the protection of the constitution is also interested in the scene that is close to “Reich citizens” and esotericists.

From Nina Böckmann,

Matthias Köpf and Viktoria Spinrad, Munich

In Bavaria there are increasingly dubious learning groups that thwart the state school system and its learning content. After a school of unconventional thinkers was blown up in the Upper Bavarian town of Schechen just a few weeks ago, the focus is now on the “Knowledge Creates Freedom” association run by the Austrian Ricardo Leppe. A total of 16 learning group chats are listed on his homepage throughout Bavaria. According to information from SZ, children are taught by parents themselves at at least one location, even during regular school hours. There are also efforts in the Allgäu to found a “school close to nature”.

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