Bavaria: AfD sues again against the state government – Bavaria

According to its own statements, the AfD has again filed a lawsuit against the state government at the Bavarian Constitutional Court. The background to this was a request from the AfD member of parliament Christoph Maier on the subject of “payments from state ministries to journalists from public broadcasting (ÖRR) and private media”, said the parliamentary group on Friday in Munich. From Maier’s point of view, the state government refuses to adequately answer the request submitted at the beginning of March.

“Since the Bavarian state government, in contrast to the federal government and other state governments, has refused information on payments to journalists of the ÖRR or has not made it sufficiently available, I felt it my duty to also file a constitutional complaint against the citizens of Bavaria who pay the fees “Mair said in writing. According to Maier, the state government did not answer the request in detail, citing the “high effort, alleged business secrets and data protection”.

This justification is “unacceptable”. The state government’s handling of the right to information from members of the state parliament and thus also from Bavarian citizens is unacceptable. “We see basic constitutional rights being violated here. A judicial clarification will bring transparency to the practice of awarding contracts to ÖRR journalists in Bavaria, which is also in the interest of the citizens.”

In recent years, the AfD has repeatedly filed lawsuits against the state government and the state parliament on various issues, but has not yet been able to assert itself in court. Among other things, the lawsuit against the implementation of the Species Protection Act, which is based on the implementation of the popular initiative “Save the Bees”, is currently still pending. A verdict on this is expected on October 18.

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