Bavaria: 644 lobby groups are registered with the state parliament – Bavaria

644 lobby groups are listed in the state parliament’s register, which has been mandatory since the beginning of 2022. The companies, associations and other interest groups listed there submitted 91 statements on 15 draft laws and published them in terms of the legislative and executive footprint. “One year after the start of the lobby register, the Bavarian state parliament shows that transparency is possible and uncomplicated,” said state parliament president Ilse Aigner (CSU).

Since January 1, 2022, officially registered lobby groups have been allowed to participate in the legislative processes of the state parliament and state government. Registration has been possible since December 2021. The Lobby Register Act has been in force since January 1, 2022.

The entries ranged from 1 & 1 AG to ZF Friedrichshafen AG, the state parliament further announced. A total of 645 interest groups have registered, but one of them is no longer active. “In order to be able to make good laws for the citizens, we need the opinion of the interest groups – for a year now everyone has been able to get an idea of ​​​​it,” emphasized Aigner.

Thematically, there is a clear focus, because with 17 opinions, most of them can be assigned to the state government’s draft law to change the Bavarian climate protection law. There were further contributions to the amendment of the building regulations, to the change in the Bavarian Roads and Ways Act and to the change in the law on education and teaching as well as the school financing law.

State politicians hope that the lobby register will help them improve their public image, which has been severely damaged by affairs and scandals. Violations of the register are punished with fines of up to 50,000 euros. The register is publicly available on the internet.

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