“Battle of the Reality Stars”: War of the “Love Island” enemies

“Battle of the Reality Stars”
War of the “Love Island” enemies

Elena Miras (l.) vs. Chethrin Schulze.

© RTLZWEI/Paris Tsitsos / RTLZWEI/Paris Tsitsos

When Elena Miras’ “Love Island” archenemy Chethrin Schulze checks in, the air burns in “Kampf der Realitystars”.

At the start of the third episode of “Battle of the Reality Stars”, the celebrities find the situation on the Thai star beach “too harmonious”. Experienced trash TV viewers know what’s happening now: a new protagonist is coming. Ideally one who has a negative history with one of those present.

That’s exactly what happens now, of course. Anger flutters into the Sala, in the form of Chethrin Schulze (29). As a reminder: Chethrin (pronounced: Kätrin) was once in the same season of “Love Island” with Elena Miras (29). There Chethrin met Mike Heiter (29), who fathered a child with Elena shortly after the show. Or something like that. In any case, the whole thing was five years ago, an eternity in the trash circus. But Chethrin is still offended. Elena is said to have said ugly things. After an inconclusive discussion, the two women decide to avoid each other.

Gaga mom comes with “bottle of alcohol”

The next new candidate has no history with anyone. Because nobody seems to know her. Jan Leyk (37) recognizes from afar that she brought a “bottle of alcohol” with her. Enter Rich Nana (67). With the words “Hello bitches, your mom is coming”, the late-calling rapper introduces herself. Her life story in brief: Born in the Czech Republic, she married a Swiss and received Swiss citizenship. Her husband died shortly after the wedding. But “there are worse things” (Nana). She finally collected his pension. Not only does she see the former pop singer as “totally gaga”.

In the punishment game, the reality stars have to classify quotes into the categories “trash or high culture”. The celebrities fail in the amusing game due to the clever selection of the editors. The fact that ex-judge Ronald Schill (63), the formally most educated of the stars, assigns the Nietzsche quote “I’m not a person. I’m dynamite” to a reality star doesn’t make things any easier.

As punishment for the poor performance, the candidates’ beds are put outside. Elena’s sleeping place is near the pool. She threatens legal action, after all she could fall into the water at night.

From “devil” to girlfriend

At all Elena. Chethrin’s resolution to avoid her nemesis fails. There are always confrontations. Chethrin tries unsuccessfully to incite her roommates against Elena. Since Chethrin is allowed to eliminate a star as a newcomer, the situation seems clear: Elena has to go at the end of the episode. Rich Nana seems to want to bow to Chethrin’s wish.

So early in the episode the fronts seem clear. That makes the attentive viewer suspicious. Because otherwise the direction of the newcomers’ expulsion plans always keeps a big secret. And indeed there is a plot twist. Elena and Chethrin may or must spend the night together in a pavilion. For pronunciation. Chethrin would rather throw in the towel than celebrate an overnight party with the “devil” Elena. Jan is able to persuade her at the last minute.

Lo and behold: once slipped into pink pajamas, Elena and Chethrin are suddenly best friends. They paint each other’s fingernails and dance together.

False male chivalry and female solidarity

In the third episode, not only the newcomers choose a reality star. For the first time, the celebrities are allowed to remove one from their midst themselves. The backup game is therefore more important than before. But the match takes a strange turn. The candidates have to solve arithmetic problems. Whoever knows the answer must run to the front and ring a bell. If the answer is wrong, you have to take two bags weighted with sand. Whoever answers correctly may distribute the four bags among the competitors. Whoever collapses under the load first is out.

Out of misunderstood chivalry, the men load each other. Especially Mike Cees (34) has the other players on the Kieker. He has to give up first. After all the men have eliminated each other, only the four women are left. In an act of female solidarity, they decide to give up on everyone at once. No one is safe from being kicked out.

Mike flies – and announces a long break from reality

Since Elena is suddenly Chethrin’s best friend, she and Nana throw someone else out. It gets Mike. He had expected it and packed his bags. The day before he got on his roommates’ nerves with his “narcissistic” (Ronald Schill) questions about how he was received. But Mike wants to have achieved his goal of clearing his reputation after the “summer house” debacle. He announces a long break from TV when he leaves.

Most reality stars would have voted Mike for the ostracism, so they’ll have to change their minds. Reality intern Enrico Elia (20) is a simple target. The pitiful TV newcomer is chosen by almost all candidates. The young man, who won his place on the show through an application, seems relieved.


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